In Sweet Bethlehem
In Sweet Bethlehem
In sweet Bethlehem under a gentle sky
Spring flowers raised their heads and lambs were heard to cry
In the distant dust appeared a donkey who
Was carrying the Saviour of the world
Glory to God
Glory in the highest
On the earth be peace
Good will toward all men
Then the scene it changed into a stable where
Mary bore her son amongst the cattle there
As they tightly wrapped the Babe in swaddling clothes
The heavenly choirs burst forth into song
Glory to God
Glory in the highest
On the earth be peace
Goodwill toward all men
Halos of light, there were simply none
Just a peasant and his wife and baby son
The shepherds they returned to their fields and flocks
Praising God for all that they had seen
Glory to God
Glory in the highest
On the earth be peace
Goodwill toward all men