I Never Walked Where Jesus Walked

I Never Walked Where Jesus Walked

I never walked with Jesus when
He walked upon the earth, did you?
I never saw him in the garden
They called Gethsemene, did you?
I never gazed through misted eyes
Upon His death nor saw Him rise,
I never walked His Holy Land, did you?
But even if I'd seen the mighty miracles
Water into wine or death to life.
Nothing could convince me more
For in my heart I know,
He is The One, the only Christ.

I never saw Him when He gave
His Priesthood Power to men, did you?
I never saw Him when He gave
The Kingdom's Keys to them, did you?
I never saw Him lay his hands
Upon His friends He called His lambs
I never saw Him do these deeds, did you?
But even if I'd fallen at His precious feet
And known the God of Israel face to face
I could not know more clearly of His purity and love
Or of His never ending grace.

I never talked with Jesus when
He taught the Gospel truths, did you?
I never saw Him heal sad hearts
And bind their weeping wounds, did you?
I never saw His suffering
Nor saw the thorns which crowned Him King,
I never walked his lonely path, did you?
But even if I'd seen His final moments
His triumph over pain that had to be
I realise that though I never walked with Him
He has always watched and walked with me

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