Gentle the Art of the Healer

Gentle the Art of the Healer

Psalms 18:35 Exodus 15:26 2 Kings 20:5 1 Peter 2:24

Gentle the art of The Healer
Oh gentle, oh gentle His ways.
Gentle the art of The Master
Oh gentle through all of His days.

Precious One, Holy One,

He is The Lord that healeth me
I am the clay, He changes me
Only His touch will set me free.

Precious One, Holy One
Gentle the art of The Healer

Gentle the art of The Healer
Oh gentle, oh gentle His ways
Gentle the art of The Master
Oh gentle through all of His days

Precious One, Holy One
Gentle the art of The Healer

He seest our tears and they are dried
Broken hearts healed and lives revived
With His stripes we are saved because He died
Gentle One, Holy One
Gentle the art of The Healer

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