Encircled in the Arms of His Love

Encircled in the Arms of His Love

Doctrine and Covenants 6:20

Is He there? Does He care
When tears wet my pillow at night?
Does He hear? Should I fear
When my joy and my gladness take flight?
When my sadness and sorrow
My heartbreak and grief
Feel too heavy to bear
And there is no relief
Is he there? Does He care?


Encircled in the arms of his love we are
Encircled in the arms of His love
If He cares when a tiny heart
Only a sparrow's heart, fails
Then He surely loves us
Oh He does,
Oh yes, He surely loves us.

He is there and He cares
All He asks is we knock at the door
Yes, He hears, calms our fears
He will enter and His spirit pour
We can rise above sadness
And tears and despair
He will give us the courage
Our lives to repair
He is there, and He cares


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