Beloved Latter-day Women
Beloved Latter-day Women
Pioneer women! Exceptional women of valour and courage with strength from above.
Willingly they left their homeland, their fam'lies; and why did they do it?
For truth and for love.
And, oh how they wept when hearts and lives were broken;
But they turned their faces to the west
Holding dreams unspoken.
Beloved pioneer women!
Modern day women! Exceptional women of valour and courage with strength from above.
Willingly they face the latter day trials; and why do they do it?
For truth and for love.
And, oh how they pray for strength and inspiration;
And they turn their faces heavenward
To strengthen every nation.
Beloved latter day women!
Spanning the centuries, spanning the nations, the Lord has relied upon women of steel,
To uphold the fam'ly and strengthen the brethren,
And this is all borne from the faith that we feel.
How we will embrace when there is no more sorrow,
We will gaze upon the Saviour's face,
A beautiful tomorrow,
A beautiful tomorrow!